Serviced Offices and Apartments in
Leicestershire and Derbyshire locations

Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire: 01530 353 500

Castle Donington, Derbyshire: 01332 810 900

Glenfield, Leicester: 01162 325 100

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Whether your business provides a service, a trade or a product, most businesses will benefit from local custom. If you need a plumber – you source one in your area, if you need an accountant, you source one in your area and so on.

So how can smaller businesses maximise their local custom? DBS Castle Donington borders three counties; Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. Our clients represent themselves as local businesses in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire & Leicestershire.

Breaking this down into numbers, Derbyshire covers 2625km2, has roughly 791,966 residents and is home to around 26,382 businesses. Leicestershire covers 2156km2, has roughly 690,212 residents and is home to around 30,460 businesses. Nottinghamshire is 2160km2, has roughly 817,815 residents and is home to around 27,165 businesses. Therefore, a business that covers all three counties is covering: 6,941km2, roughly 2,299,993 residents and around 84,007 businesses.

It’s surprisingly affordable to have a tri-county location – between £30-£55 pcm depending on your business size and needs. This gets you a registered business address in Castle Donington, your mail received, handled and either held for you or forwarded on, and access to the business centre, if you need a place to work (dedicated work space is available at an extra cost). You can also have your phone calls answered at DBS, using a local area code (or non-geographic number) so you never miss a call again.

For more information on how a tri-county Virtual Office could increase your business reach, call 01332 810 900 today, email us at or visit our website