Serviced Offices and Apartments in
Leicestershire and Derbyshire locations

Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire: 01530 353 500

Castle Donington, Derbyshire: 01332 810 900

Glenfield, Leicester: 01162 325 100

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We’re not trendy, we’re not hip, but we’re professional

We see specialist companies opening ‘hubs’ and other very modern facilities. These are great and provide a stimulating environment; however I can’t help but think they predominantly target the market of ‘creative’ business owners. The spaces themselves are described using adjectives such as ‘”vibrant”, “hip” and “buzzing”. While the creative markets undoubtedly thrive in such an open and collaborative environment, there is a different form of co-working available.

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I’m a UK business, GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!

The results were in, Brexit won, Cameron’s gone, May’s in, Gove’s in hiding and Borris is… still being Borris. If our government is in an uncertain and insecure state, it’s fairly logical that UK businesses are concerned. Political affiliations aside, the result...

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